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The Trendy Topper

The Trendy Topper

Gerir dýnuna þína ennþá meira kósý

Rétt verð 139.900 ISK
Rétt verð Útsöluverð 139.900 ISK
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Endurunnin bómull og lífræn ull í þessum frábæra topper. Topperinn bætir ótrúlegum þægindum við Naturalmat dýnuna þína.


Ef þú hefur tök á því þá mælum við eindregið með því að þú heimsækir okkur í verslun okkar til að prófa rúmin og sjá þau með eigin augum. Hér finnur þú staðsetningu.


Við bjóðum upp á mismunandi afhendingaleiðri, þú getur sótt eða fengið sent heim. Kynntu þér afhendingamöguleikana.


Mikilvægasti parturinn í okkar starssemi er að þú finnir akkúrat dýnuna sem hentar þínum þörfum. Ef dýnan er ekki alveg að standast væntingar eftir viku notkun eða svo þá lætur þú okkur bara vita innan 45 daga og við finnum lausn sem virkar betur. Kíktu á "Okkar loforð fyrir svefninn".

Skoða nánar
  • Lífrænt

  • Eiturefnalaust

  • Sjálfbærni

  • Handunnið

A cosy combination of recycled denim and our locally sourced organic wool

Made by hand in Devon, our Trendy toppers are stuffed full of supremely comfy natural and sustainable fibres - perfect for those looking to soften the feel of a firmer mattress.

  • 1. Recycled Denim

    We shred unused denim offcuts from the jeans industry and form them into pillowy cushioned pads.

  • 2. Organic Wool

    Sourced from local organic farms. Traps heat when you need it and disperses it when you don’t.

  • 3. Cotton & Wool Covers

    A tightly-woven, hypoallergenic wool & cotton fibre cover meets fire regulations without the need for any chemicals whatsoever.

The Trendy represents our softest mattress topper - a feel that is largely provided by the thick layer of recycled denim. We take the unused ‘virgin’ denim leftovers from the fashion industry, and turn them into a comfy, breathable and soft filling for our mattresses and toppers.

As with all of our toppers the Trendy is hand crafted to order in our Devon workshop, from only the finest natural and organic materials. It will instantly add an extra layer of comfort and improved breathabilty to any mattress.

Technical Information
2 year guarantee
Topper Depth 6cm
Complies with all relevant British Safety Standards (BS 7177: 2008 + A1 : 2011 : Medium Hazard, and the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire)(Safety) Regulations: 1988)

  • 2 Ára ábyrgð

  • Frí heimkeyrsla á höfuðborgarsvæðinu

  • Greiðsludreyfing

Why Buy a Topper?

A mattress topper is essentially a very thin mattress which is placed on top of your new or existing mattress to alter how it feels.

This could be to increase breathability, to adjust the softness of your mattress, or simply to provide an added layer of comfort and opulence!

Read Our Toppers Guide

Learn more

Clever Covers

In the UK there are strict fire safety standards that mattresses & toppers must pass before they can be sold to the public. An overwhelming majority of manufacturers achieve this certification by treating their products with chemical fire retardants. ​This never sat right with us, and we worked to develop a cover fabric that met the safety requirements without the need for any chemicals whatsoever.

We are also the only mattress manufacturer to add a hypoallergenic finishing pr​ocess to our covers. We treat them with natural extracts to guarantee protection from dust mites and bed bugs - perfect for allergy sufferers, whose conditions are often triggered by these unwelcome bedfellows.

Handunnið í Devon

Við hjá Naturalmat trúum því að fólk, en ekki vélar, geri betri og endingargóða vöru. Lið okkar af handverksfólki tryggir að sérhver saumur, sérhvert efni, hvern einasti hnappur og allar dýnur séu vandlega búnar til, yfirfarnar og athugaðar. Þess vegna stimplum við með stolti „Made by hand in Devon“ á allar dýnurnar okkar.